Maria João Silva

Maria João Silva
Published by:
4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Developmental mechanisms and symptoms of osteochondrosis (lumbar, cervical, thoracic spine). Methods of Diagnosing Spinal Disorders.
    14 January 2024
  • This article will list the symptoms and treatments of breast osteochondrosis. And he will also explain the need for regular inspections by experts to avoid disease.
    28 September 2021
  • What is cervical osteochondrosis? Causes, symptoms and consequences of diseases. Diagnosis and treatment-medication, folk methods, exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.
    25 September 2021
  • Knee arthropathy: How does the knee arthropathy develop, the symptoms of knee arthropathy, and the degree of knee arthropathy. diagnosis method. Treatment and recovery. Prevent joint disease of the knee joint.
    6 August 2021